Sailing Catamaran Lunara Sailing Still in La Grande Motte (LGM)

Still in La Grande Motte (LGM)

Itching to get going, but our repairs, which began last September, are not finished as off yet. Hard to believe. We know. Repairs in France feel more like a Foxtrot:

Foxtrott You think you moved, but when you look back – not really!

One segment of electrical work was done last week and genuine new problems pop up. An Electrician worked on the essential seaworthiness list and several items were ticked off. But, when we used an electrical winch on Saturday, you get it, it failed for electrical reasons. And yes, the electrical winches had never failed us before.

We are not saying it’s not nice here, see the photo at the end, but we rather would be going somewhere.

There is one exception to the Foxtrot rule.  That is a company called Thalassa Nautique whose owner Olivier Glenadet appears on time and works super diligently. More about his work in a separate post later.

We have to leave port on Feb 24 because the Capitanerie needs the space. Let’s hope the critical things are done by then.

Is it nice in La Grande Motte? Yes, if you are here voluntarily.

LGM view dock p

1 thought on “Still in La Grande Motte (LGM)”

  1. Hey, wir halten Euch die Daumen! Sind ab dem 24. auch für eine Woche in Eurer Nähe, bauen die KW-Funkanlage ein, mal sehen, vielleicht schauen wir vorbei. LG, Jürgen

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