Strait of Gibraltar was rough with heavy fog! Crew spirit was excellent! Arrived late in the afternoon and had a great dinner at El Bistro de George!
Left Tangier. Sailing to the Spanish Enclave Ceuta
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Left Cartagena on August 9th for Ibiza!Left Cartagena on August 9th for Ibiza!
Having a nice breeze and big rolling waves until midnight! After that it was no wind at all and we motored for 8 hours! Having wind again for nearly the rest of the way! The last 2 hours we had to use the engines again! We arrived in Ibiza at 3 pm. Found a very nice anchorage! After some difficulties anchoring ( after we realized our chain counter is totally off) we did fine! Martin dived to check the anchor and was totally down after he came back. Our anchor chain was wrapped around a rock and the anchor was jammed between two rocks. He was afraid we will not get it out. So we had to start the whole procedure again. Martin steered the boat so perfectly over the anchor, that I was able to get it up without a problem. Now we had to find a new spot and set it again. This went without any problems. Pheeeeeeewwwwww!
First thing we did was jump in the water and cooled down. This felt really good. After that we did a little dinghy tour to explore the area.
Not much to see during the trip. We had a really nice sunset! Having no internet connection, will post pictures soon.
looks eerie!
Nice pictures, good idea I will follow you. JH